Creating Life through the Lens of Love is:

  • Delivered live on Zoom three times each year. 
  • One evening each week for up to 13 weeks each time. 
  • Each 3-hour session includes open coaching, love-conscious communication, self-leadership profile, skills building, and small group reflective dialogs facilitated by our certified coaches. (Recordings are also available.) 
  • For people who choose Loving Authority, Community Connection, and Self-Accountability in their personal and professional evolution. 

Creating Life Through the Lens of Love lays the foundation for creatorship.  

It is a Quantum Leadership Model that facilitates a process of deep self-discovery, love-conscious skill-building, self-love embodiment, and self-accountability skill-building.

Self-Knowing is Soul-Knowing. 

In this program, you will get to know your soul deeply. We discuss Beliefs - Values - Needs - Spiritual Philosophy - Biological Rhythms/Personality - Character Traits and Bias. 

We learn these Skills: Short-Term Goal-Setting and Continuous Improvement - Shifting Limiting thoughts and Beliefs - Moving from Fear to Love - Nonviolent Communication - Boundaries - Priority Setting.

Self-Love is Source Love. 

In this program, you will become skillful at loving yourself.  Your inner connection to love is your connection to source. As you embody yourself as love, you will naturally connect to the source of love and transfer your heart-centered, soul-inspired purpose out into the world. You will become a catalyst for cultivating deeper love, safety, and belonging in yourself, your home, your workplace, and your community. 

Self-Accountability is Your Soul’s Journey. 

Self-accountability is your Soul’s journey and your responsibility. In this program, you will have opportunities and will receive tools to help you learn to observe yourself without judgment; own your thoughts, emotions, words, and actions; and intentionally choose the outcomes of your choices. Soul-Inspired decision-making requires that you choose self-discovery, followed by taking the next obvious actions, while considering the highest good of yourself and of the collective. 

Learn more about the upcoming 

co-ed Creating Life through the Lens of Love program for Vermont.

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