A Love-Conscious Transformational Journey for High-Achieving Professionals residing in Vermont and living in underearning circumstances. 

Available for Vermont residents.


First come, first served. 

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What if you could learn how to harness the POWER of LOVE and gracefully LEAD yourself out of your CURRENT reality of hard work, struggle, pushing, grinding, and overcompensating… the kind of reality that leaves a person feeling overwhelmed, stressed, and stuck. 

What if you could step INTO your DESIRED reality… a reality in which you transform and restore balance and, as a result you: 

  • Wake up energized, ready to approach the day with passion and purpose.
  • Nourish deep, fulfilling relationships built on authenticity, vulnerability, and mutual respect.
  • Practice self-compassion and acceptance, embrace limiting beliefs and self-doubt, and fall deeply in love with yourself. 
  • Pursue goals aligned with your values, positively impacting the world.
  • Experience inner peace and joy, knowing you're living a life true to yourself.

What if you could live the kind of life that fosters Vitality, Joy, Love, Prosperity, and Purpose without sacrificing personal well-being and success. 


Join the screening process for Creating Life through the Lens of Love. You can avoid more struggle, bypass burnout, and have professional and personal lives you truly love... even if you don't think you can. 



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Dear one, before you say no, please let me share my story with you.

Hi, my name is Jody Marquis. Many call me Loving Lioness. You will decide for yourself what feels right for you. I have your highest good in my heart and I am committed to showing up 100%. 

I am a native Vermonter and I choose to pay it forward to all Vermont residents through my grant and scholarship program.  I am proud to live here and to offer this amazing miracle to you. 

The Power of LOVE saved my life.  It has become my superpower and, if you choose this path, it WILL become yours too.

As a high-achieving, hardworking professional and entrepreneur, the subtle signs of burnout were whispering in my ear long before I finally crashed. 

I have spent the last four years reinventing myself and NOW, it is my life's mission to equip high-achieving, hard-working professionals like the old me with the powerful and profound information, tools, and support they need to prevent or treat burnout and create lives they truly love living without sacrificing their well-being or success. 

Before I burnt out, I was a relentless and successful business owner, managing and leading a team of 57 people, five community partnerships, and a budget of just under $2 million. I prioritized service to others and inspired pivotal changes in policies and laws impacting children and their families in the State of Vermont. I worked hard to be the best mom, partner, and person I could be.  I loved my work, and I loved knowing I was making a difference in the world. 

For many years, I felt energized by this lifestyle - it gave me a sense of purpose to strive for excellence and self-mastery, to serve others, and to master success.  I was determined and driven to prove myself and make a difference. However, as time went on, it became a constant climb that never seemed to end at the top of the mountain.  Others were getting what they needed, but somehow my needs were always going unmet. 

No matter how many goals I set and achieved, it was never enough, and I never felt truly fulfilled. Time with myself and taking care of myself meant getting up earlier and going to bed later. Running from 4:30 am until midnight was not an uncommon workday for me. 

I managed a $2 million budget but was underearning. I paid others before I paid myself. The stress was huge and overwhelm was a constant way of life. 

I struggled to sleep, which led to self-medicating. Self-medicating at night made getting up each morning a little heavier.  I didn’t want to let anything go, and I white-knuckled holding it all together.  People saw me as successful and put together - a persona I felt compelled to live up to no matter what.  It wasn’t ok to fail, and it wasn’t ok to ask for help. 

Over time, I began to feel more tired, my body began to hurt, and I started having headaches. I smiled over the pain, continuing to work hard.  Somehow, I kept finding ways to pull up my bootstraps and get life done - one more time. Until I couldn’t. 

 In 2019, I was lying in bed - scared, alone, and lost. There was nowhere else to run.  My body said, “Jody, I’m empty. I’m done.” 

Burnout came with a menu of diagnoses, including fibromyalgia and adrenal fatigue. I was so tired. My body hurt, and I felt like a failure - I felt completely defeated. 

A desperate prayer flowed out of me… a call out to God/the Universe to please relieve me of my pain and grace me with inner peace. A heartfelt cry to be heard led to surrender and a promise to listen and change.

 A portal for miracles opened.  The people, places, and things I needed to transform my mind, body, and spirit began to find their way to me with, what seemed like, complete ease. 

Although my journey here hasn't been easy, I can say, without a doubt, that choosing to transform from Overachiever to High-Achiever has been the shift that allows me to live a life I truly love, with more than enough love, vitality, joy, purpose, and prosperity. 

LOVE became a 4-letter word that has forever changed my life.

If you allow yourself to be worthy, it will change yours, too.  

It doesn’t even have to take years of self-help, doctor visits, therapy, or grueling trauma healing.

On this journey, love-consciousness has equipped me with EVERYTHING yet required NOTHING. I am the pre-dominant creator of my life, in collaboration with source energy.  It led me here to you.


The L.O.V.E. Method for High Achievers: How to Avoid Burnout, Leave Your Lack Behind, & Create a Life You Truly Love Without Sacrificing  Wellbeing or Success.


Creating Life through the Lens of Love… A program that teaches people how to apply The L.O.V.E. Method in their day-to-day lives. 

It's a Love-Conscious Leadership journey that's supported by energy and soul-alignment practices. 

My work is revolutionary and is endorsed by international leadership, grounded in cutting-edge science, psychology, and spirituality. 

It is my greatest honor to be of service to you. 

Loving Lioness 
Coach Jody 


Trying to solve your current problems with the same strategies you used in the past only leads to insanity. 

 Without love-consciousness, your unconscious/subconscious is running your life. 

We will teach you the art of Love-Consciousness.

You'll learn how to connect to the energy source of love, re-code emotions and thoughts creating overwhelm, and become inspired to take different actions in the way you take care of yourself and create your life. 

In this program, you will learn about how the brain (your thoughts), the body (your actions), the heart (your emotions and soul's connection), and the soul (your higher consciousness) all play a role in whether or not life is hard and will stay hard OR whether you will finally feel fulfilled in your life.

This program will take you on a journey of SELF (SOUL)-discovery and will guide you on the path to embodying your highest truth, embracing your full potential, and creating your best life - leaving you finally feeling fulfilled.

In this program, you'll learn how to transform fear and live from love.  

(This is an example of the fear story: I live my life from a place of lack, driven by my protective brain. I don’t have enough time, energy, love, money, or good health. I feel emotional heaviness.  It shows up in my life as health struggles, disconnected relationships, poor finances, stress, and lack of vibrant health and wellbeing.)


(This is the love story: I live my life from a place of abundance, in alignment with my highest, most authentic self and my truth (my soul). I know that I am connected to the greater source of love (the Universe) through my energy. I feel deeply connected and emotional lightness. I have more than enough of what I need in all areas of my life. I give to others from a cup that is overflowing.)


Gaining mastery over your emotional frequency so that you are in alignment with Source (Love) Energy. In this program, you’ll learn to listen to your emotional energy in every moment and to realign yourself with Love and with your Highest Good. Energy Alignment is the way to become the creator of your life. You’ll learn to make the shift from FEAR energy To LOVE energy and to BE the Creator of your life.




In this program, you will learn to become the leader in your own life and to apply what you learn out in the world with others in your home, workplace, and community. On this journey, you will embrace deep (SOUL) self-discovery (knowing) and learn the Top Ten skills for living life as a love-conscious leader. You will become courageous and will develop the confidence to say yes to all of your greatest desires.




Listening to your inner knowing (soul) and letting that guide you when making best and right decisions in your life.  In this program, you’ll learn to reignite passion and purpose from within and feel whole again.  You’ll also learn about the Universal Field of Source Love and how to align your emotional energy (thoughts, emotions, and actions) with it. You will become your Soulful Self and will live for the highest good of yourself and others.


Testimonial From JoPhyllis

"COMPLETE TRANSFORMATION! Since I joined this program, I have transformed overachieving energies and now live from high-achieving standards without sacrificing my relationships with myself and with those I can about the most. This program helped me cultivate a deep, loving relationship with myself, which includes healthy routines and habits. I am so grateful.  My deeper relationship with myself and the skills I embraced have cultivated more connection in all of my relationships. I am becoming clearer and clearer about who I am and what is most important to me. I live from a place of peace and freedom. I know that all is good, and I am getting it all done."
~Jophyllis, a graduate of the Creating Life through the Lens of Love program Program.  


Live Interactive Training - Group Coaching - Daily Live Coaching

As your coach, I am 100% committed to you and to your transformation. 

I am as real and authentic as they come. I share my life stories, my heart, and my deepest vulnerabilities as a way to open the hearts of others. Breaking the guilt and shame cycles requires truth.  I am committed to sharing my truth. 

I will interact with you from a place of compassion.

I will always have your best interest at heart. 

 I bring 25 years of self-transformational experience, along with education, certifications, and endorsements that validate me as an expert in Leadership, Authentic Healing, and Happiness. 

My work is endorsed by international experts who have trained and mentored me.  

I want you to know that you are in good hands. 

Hi, my name is Nancy Benoit. It wasn't too long ago that I  was on the hamster wheel, running around like a woman with my hair on fire. Feeling overwhelmed, frustrated, and guilty, and feeling resentful toward those I love for taking all my time and energy. Internally dreading the day with my children and silently questioning the choices I made to get to this place. I was in desperate need of a lifeline…

That's when I connected with my miracle... The Creating through the Lens of Love Program. It gave me the information, the tools, and the amazing support I needed to transform the way I get up every day and embrace the life I want for all of my children, my family, and myself! What a difference this Program has made in my life. I love it so much, that I am now helping Coach Jody facilitate during classes! You can live a deeply fulfilled life while making a difference in the lives of others.


You will not regret your choice. If you are ready to claim Freedom, and you follow the coaching, you WILL be set free. I am proof.

Before this program, I was so stuck in overwhelm, guilt and shame.  I was frustrated as hell. Life felt defeating and my energy was deflating. 

It did not take long to start feeling a shift. Jody is masterful at her craft and knows how to personalize and customize the coaching and content to support each individual. I now have a relationship with myself that helps me set loving boundaries, make clear and intentional decisions, and prioritize my life in alignment with my highest good.  As Jody teaches us.... I am lovable, worthy, and enough.

So are you! Take the leap. 


Creating Life through the Lens of Love is an 11-week program Jody created by combining all of her inspiration, experience, and education into an integrative system that is easy to learn and apply, allowing women to experience transformation in a very short period of time.


Coach Jody is endorsed by Marci and certified as a facilitator of the Happy for No Reason program.





Coach Jody is certified as a facilitator of The Energy Codes, a tool to awaken your spirit, heal your body, and live your best life.








Coach Jody co-authored the book Self-Sustaining Leadership: Essential Skills and Frameworks with Jack and Glenda and co-created her Creating Life through the Lens of Love program based on this model.





Coach Jody has an endorsement in delivering best-selling author Joy Taylor’s The Business Soul Map, a seven-step process to creating a soul-inspired business. 
When joining Creating Life through the Lens of Love, you will receive access to this content if you are an entrepreneur or are considering becoming one. 

I am an Over-achieving individual that lost myself in trying to be enough.

Your past does not have to define your future. Your past is here to inform your future so that you can learn from your mistakes and struggles, find your voice, and create a future full of vibrant purpose, peace, and wellbeing - even if you don't think it's possible right now. 

It wasn't too long ago that I was living in deep hopelessness, self-doubt, and disconnection.  My past mistakes were keeping me trapped in a cycle of feeling judged by others and insecure; living with self-doubt and a lot of guilt and shame and feeling hopeless.

Then, I met Coach Jody! The opportunity that the Creating Life through the Lens of Love program presented felt like a too-good-to-be-true miracle. IT WAS REAL and so was the transformation I experienced when I said yes.  I am now waking up with hope, purpose, and a profound sense of inner freedom that deepens as I continue to say yes to this program's support. My past is no longer defining my future. Instead, it has become the catalyst for my purpose and my calling to help others find their own internal freedom. I am learning to live in my high standards without self-sabotage. 

If you are open, willing, and ready to take full responsibility for your life, the Creating Life through the Lens of Love transformational program is for you.

I can’t recommend this program enough!  I joined Jody’s Creating Life through the Lens of Love program after my career came to an abrupt and startling halt because of health issues. The program has taught me that being an overachiever is not the same as being a high-achiever. Overachievers inadvertently  lead themselves into overwhelm and burnout. High achievers take intentional and deliberate actions that are in alignment with their highest truth so that they can live their best lives and enjoy the journey. 

Before I found this program, I was feeling lost, adrift, and unsure about myself and life.  I had all sorts of tools in my health toolbox, but I didn’t know how to use them effectively or productively. I was well and truly stuck.  

I completed the Program and I learned so much about myself.... how to be a better leader in my home and in my community; how to use the tools I’ve been collecting since my early 20s; to shift my mindset in any moment from a place of empowerment; and to shift my old story of fear, less-than, and lack to a story of fulfillment, love, and empowerment.  

I decided to stay on as a member because Jody is the most engaged coach I’ve ever met. She is live in her group every day, modeling practices to improve our lives, offering support, and sharing her story… she is living proof that this program works! Jody is real and authentic and she loves this collective deeply.

If you’re on the fence, just take the leap.  You won’t be sorry! Life is too short to stay stuck, unhappy, and unfulfilled.  Make the choice now to create a new way to be - set yourself free!


It’s time to decide whether you will go left and stay in overwhelm and stress, doing what you've always done and getting what you've always gotten, or go right and move into love and live life with internal peace and fulfillment.  Creating Life through the Lens of Love will get you there. 

You are worthy! 

Your next action is to enter your email and receive the hour-long video that will arrive in your Inbox. Watch for an email from us, watch the video inside, complete the Enrollment Screening Application, and from there, you and I will decide if this program is the best fit for you. 

The Loving Lioness 
Coach Jody 


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